Tuesday, November 9, 2010

There has been ALOT going on.

My 87 year old grandmother fell last week and broke her hip. She had hip replacement surgery and is doing well in recovery. Lee and I drove to Kingwood on Saturday to spend some time with her. My parents were there and my grandmother had not met Lee before, so it was something that we needed to do. She is in physical therapy now and I think she will recover well but not sure she will be able to live on her own anymore. She has lived independently until this point, which is quite an accomplishment. It is going to take some time for her to heal, I just hope she isn't in pain the whole time.

Sunday I went with my mother-in-law and Scooter to look at puppies. My in-laws want a Westie and we found some puppies available northeast of McKinney. So we drove out there and, of course, came home with one. Well, I didn't but my mother-in-law did:) A precious little girl named Maggie.  The picture below is from phone so it is a little blurry but I have more so I'll post them later.  Trust me, she and Lily have become fast friends!!  And I could have taken every puppy that they had home with me:)
Yesterday (Monday), Lily had her regular check up at the vet.  She is not the ideal patient but she did well considering she had to get 2 shots and have her temperature taken up the butt!  Nothing is nice about that.  The vet also checked out her hips and said she doesn't have full range of motion in her back right let, which will most likely lead to hip displaysia later in life.  This is something that you will find in Westies but I really hate to hear this about our Bug:)  We have some glucosmine pills that she will take daily, they are a joint supplement and could help strengthen and prolong the inevitable.  Anyway, she moped around yesterday after we got home but is more herself today.  I tell you she is like a little kid that watches too much TV:)  Here is a picture of her at the vet yesterday, she may not look it but she was upset!

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