Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pictures from the Wedding

I have taken the pictures that I have access to so far and put some of my favorite below.  Hopefully it won't be too long before the photographer is done with his pictures!!

This is from the rehearsal dinner, I just thought this was a great picture of my sister Gretchen and I.

I think this picture is funny, but this is before the wedding in the Bride's Cottage.  I think my sister was either putting my shoes on me or the garter:)

My Dad and I walking down the aisle.

 Lee and I saying our vows.

The new Mr. and Mrs.

 Being introduced to all of our guests as Mr. and Mrs. Gwaltney.

 Amy, Steph and Ronna (and Carley) - highschool girlfriends!

 Lee and I leaving the reception!

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