Monday, November 29, 2010

ICE.....For the Second Time

We went to ICE again on Saturday and they were open!  We had a GREAT time seeing all of the Charlie Brown characters made out of ICE!  And they are not kidding is FREEZING in there!  I took several pictures and they are not all in order:) 

Below is Lee with Linus (I think) by the mailbox.  Linus has a frown because he doesn't have any Christmas Cards in his mailbox.  Lee says that is me......I LOVE getting Christmas Cards:)

Barbara and Aunt Karen with Linus.

Lee and I with Lucy, getting some advice:)

We saw this guy when we were leaving so I tried to get a picture of him.  Kinda dark but he was fun.

We also got a picture with whoever this guy was supposed to be:)  My eyes are closed but still a funny picture.

This is actually before we saw ICE, just a picture of Lee and I at the entrance of the Gaylord.

Standing in line, waiting to get our parkas and go see ICE.

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