Thursday, November 18, 2010

Maggie Pictures and Our Second Fire of the Season

When Lee was dog sitting last weekend, I snapped a couple of pictures before I left.  I didn't get a good picture of Lily jumping up and down, but that is what she was doing while Lee was holding Maggie.  It was hilarious.  They are best buds now. 

Lee took a couple of pictures of Lily and I by the fire last night.  It was so nice!  Lily loves the fireplace, she will lay in front of the fire the whole time and just enjoy it.  You can see pumpkins in the background but I'm not putting them away yet.  We are moving December 20th so I'll have to pack them before then:)  

1 comment:

  1. So excited about y'all's move! Congrats! Love the pics of you and Lily by the fire. It's like she knows how to take pictures. HA!

