Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Date Night

Lee and I wanted to start a 'Date Night' so that we make sure we spend time together when things are crazy.  Also, it is just nice to go on a date with your boyfriend, husband, whatever the status is at the time.  It makes me feel loved and we always look forward to them:)  Lee came up with the idea of going thru the alphabet to choose our restaurants for date night.  We go once every two weeks and for the letter A, Lee chose Al's Hamburgers in Arlington.  It was delicious and cheap!!  I have some pictures below and I'll put the address and phone number for Al's.  I will try to keep up and blog about all of our date nights since we are trying to go to restaurants that are new to us and might interest some of you!  Tonight is our second date night and I'm choosing a restaurant for the letter B.  I already know what it is but I'll blog about it tomorrow.

Al's Hamburgers
1001 NE Green Oaks Blvd.
Arlington, TX  76006

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