Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Lee's family!  Of course the food was delicious!  We came home and started a fire in the fireplace and enjoyed all of the COLD weather!  I didn't get any good pictures from Thanksgiving Day but we also have a tradition of helping Lee's Mom unload her 'Christmas Closet' and then load it back with regular home decor that gets put away during Christmas.  I got some pictures of our line that we form to do this every year:)

This is the closet with all of the Santas:)

Here is Scooter not knowing where to start:)

Aunt Karen is midway on the stairs, so Scooter would hand stuff to me, I would hand off to Aunt Karen...

And then she would hand off to Lee:)

I mean the HAPPY Lee, haha!

While we were doing this inside, the dogs were having a blast outside!  I got some good pics of them playing.  They look like 'tiny' lions here, lol.

Bill is giving them a treat and Lily is already licking her lips in this picture.

Our Bug!

ICE.....For the Second Time

We went to ICE again on Saturday and they were open!  We had a GREAT time seeing all of the Charlie Brown characters made out of ICE!  And they are not kidding is FREEZING in there!  I took several pictures and they are not all in order:) 

Below is Lee with Linus (I think) by the mailbox.  Linus has a frown because he doesn't have any Christmas Cards in his mailbox.  Lee says that is me......I LOVE getting Christmas Cards:)

Barbara and Aunt Karen with Linus.

Lee and I with Lucy, getting some advice:)

We saw this guy when we were leaving so I tried to get a picture of him.  Kinda dark but he was fun.

We also got a picture with whoever this guy was supposed to be:)  My eyes are closed but still a funny picture.

This is actually before we saw ICE, just a picture of Lee and I at the entrance of the Gaylord.

Standing in line, waiting to get our parkas and go see ICE.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Am Thankful For.....

Since it is the week of Thanksgiving, I want to let some people know how thankful I am and how blessed I feel...

I am thankful for my family:
  • To my Husband, whom I am crazy about and feel lucky to have found, you are my best friend.  You make me feel special and always loved!  As cliche as this is, I feel as if the glass slipper fit perfectly.  I am thankful for the wait for you.  I hope I make you feel just as loved.
  • To my Parents,  thank you for your love and support.  Thank you for letting me fall and for, always, being there to help me back up.  Even standing me on my own two feet when I couldn't do it myself.  Thank you for the perfect wedding that you gave Lee and I and for enjoying every minute of it.  Thank you for your sacrifice!
  • To my Sisters, thank you for the time, money and effort that you put into our wedding!  I felt undeserving yet you both gave me everything and more!  I love you so much!
  • To my new extended family (Bill, Barbara, Scooter, Terri, Dani, Eric, Nate & Ben), thank you for making me feel right at home from the beginning.  You have always made me feel as if I were already a part of the family.  I couldn't have asked for anything better!  I love you all and I am so happy to be 'in the family'!

A couple of other things that I am thankful for:

  • The 'bug' - I'm not sure what Lee and I would do without her.
  • The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the Rockettes!!!
  • I am thankful for how much my husband LOVES Charlie Brown!
  • I am thankful for PIE.....and all of the other delicious food that comes with Thanksgiving!!!
I realize too that everything I am thankful for is due to God and everything he sacrificed for me. 
I love this new part of mine and Lee's life!  We have so much to look forward to and yet we try to always remember that 'part of where we are going is never forgetting where we came from'. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wedding Pictures

Exciting news........most of our wedding pictures have been put on our photographer's blog.  He will post the rest later this week.  Below is the link to the pictures, enjoy!

Click here to view the pictures.

Monday, November 22, 2010


So, yesterday we went to the Gaylord to see the ICE display, which is Charlie Brown themed this year.  We were all so excited, Lee and I have never been before.  But when we got to the entrance, they told us they were closed due to technical difficulties.....ugh!!  The 'chiller' had gone out so the artists had to clean up the ice sculptures and then they have to be at a certain temperature for 24 hours.  Anyway, we got some good pictures in the Gaylord and we are going to try again this Saturday.  We got our picture taken with Charlie Brown so that made up for it being closed, just a little;)

This is at the entrance of the Gaylord.  They have fabulous decorations out! 
I love these reindeer water skiers!

You had to follow the Charlie Brown snowflakes to get to the ICE display.

Everything inside the Gaylord looks awesome too! I'm excited for Christmas!

 Lovely, giant reindeer and me.

Lee got a picture in with a giant reindeer too:) 

Our picture with Charlie Brown. 

More Fun with Maggie

 Sunday, Barbara and Bill brought Maggie over to hang out with Lily while the rest of us went to the Gaylord to see the ICE display.  Maggie loves playing with Lily (and vice versa) and I was able to get a video of them running around playing with each other.  There isn't much sound except me laughing and everyone in the background having their own conversations.  It is funny the way Maggie starts to play with Lily, she puts her backside in Lily's face:) 

This is what Lily looked like after playing with Maggie for about 10 minutes.  Her tongue was hanging out and she was breathing so hard.