Friday, December 7, 2012

Recent Pictures

Some recent pictures of Jack:

His first mohawk.

Just smiling for Mom:)

Taking a ride in his new Tonka Truck his Daddy bought him. 

Lily (our dog) thinks it is the most fun game to chase Jack in the Tonka Truck!  In turn, Jack thinks Lily is the funniest game ever:)

Another day, another ride in the Tonka Truck.

These last 3 pictures are from yesterday morning.  We met Nana and Papa at Cracker Barrel and they took Jack home for the weekend.  It was windy outside so we put Jack's hoodie (thanks Aunt Gretchen) on him and I had to get a few pictures.  He was having the best time!

His bottom teeth are really coming in now.  His 2 top teeth should come in any day....we keep singing...All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth:)

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