Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

 We had a great Christmas Holiday with family and friends.  Jack enjoyed his first Christmas and all of the fun toys that he was given.
Jack getting ready for Nana and Papa's house for Christmas.

We came home from Tyler on Christmas Day.  It rained the whole way home and once we were home, it started snowing.  So, Jack had snow on his first Christmas!  What an awesome treat!

Jack, enjoying his toys:)

His face may not display it here, but he really loves this scooter from Nana and Papa.

This is his new expression looks like he is saying 'huh'?! 

Papa and Jack at breakfast.  It's hard to get a picture of Jack being still....he is NEVER still these days!

Jack with his cousins, Mallory and Kendall.

 His new Batman onesie from Mimi and Grandpa.  It really is the cutest little onesie! 

Saturday night Lee and I went to see Robert Earl Keen in Ft. Worth.  We had a great time out and enjoyed the concert!  We go to this concert annually and celebrate our 'New Year's Eve'.  Below is Shane (Lee's best friend) and Lee before the concert.

My Dad and his girls, Meredith, Gretchen and myself.
 Kendall and Jack

Cousins (there is the expression again:)

Having fun with Cousin Mallory.

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