Monday, August 1, 2011

12 Weeks - Celebrating an Ending and a New Beginning

So I have officially started my second trimester!  That is fun for me to say.  It has gone by fast but the main reason is, of course, that the chance of miscarriage goes down significantly.  Don't get me wrong, I don't think about that often, but it is in the back of my head at times.  I couldn't be happier that Lee and I got pregnant when we did and I will not spend my last couple of 'pregnancy' months during the summer heat!  This has been brutal so far and I'm only 3 months in!  We just bought a fan for the bedroom because I get so hot at night.  I tend to freeze Lee out but man, I can't help it!  The fan is great though (note that we have a ceiling fan also and utilize it, haha, I use whatever I can to make it cold)!! 

I went to a specialist on Friday to check out my cervix and to my surprise they did an ultrasound (for like 30 minutes)!!  It was so great to see Baby G moving around! I have attached a couple of the pictures below.  They asked me on Friday if I wanted their ‘guesstimation’ on the sex of the baby.  I was taken back because I didn’t expect that at all and then said ‘no’ because Lee was not with me.  Well, Lee has now decided that since they even offered up the ‘guess’ that it MUST be a boy.  So, now it is ‘he’ and ‘William Jackson’ and ‘Jack’……I told him he is going to disappoint himself if it is a girl:) 

When they measured crown to rump of the baby on Friday, it was just over 2 inches.  A peanut….

  • Still tired, but feel as if it is getting better.
  • Feeling bloated, especially after I eat.
  • Weird dreams....
  • Feeling anxious about everything to Baby G's health, daycare, money, all the normal stuff I guess.
  • This isn't really a symptom but I stopped drinking coffee.  This is an amazing thing for me as I have been drinking coffee for as log as I can remember! 
  • Smells, I can tell that certain 'aromas' are starting to make me nauseous.
Here is Baby G's second gift.  A lamb from Scentsy - will make the whole room smell good!  Thank you Christy!!

And below are the pics of Baby G.

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