Tuesday, August 16, 2011

14 Weeks

Here is a run down of my appointment with Dr. Varadi yesterday:

  • I have gained 3lbs since last visit. 
  • All of my lab work has come back good and my blood type is B+.
  • She listened to Baby G’s heartbeat and it was nice and strong. 
  • She said to continue the good work.  My next appt. with her is September 12th at 8:30am.
Mark your calendars for August 26th at 9:30am – this is our appt. with Dr. Zaretsky.  Since I will be far enough along at that time, Dr. Varadi is going to have him tell us the sex of the baby!!! 

On another note, I went by BuyBuy Baby to get a body pillow for myself.  I have never been a side sleeper and am having a hard time getting used to it.  I used the body pillow last night and it seemed to help but I'm still going to have to get used to this sleeping on my side thing. 

Just one more thing - Happy 10 Months to my husband....may the good life continue!!

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