Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New DO

I haven't updated in a while so I'm going back a little bit here...........

I decided I needed a new do, so off to Gina I went.  She cut off 10 inches or so but I actually couldn't give my hair to Locks of Love or another organization because of my highlights (they have bleach in them) and I guess something happens during the process of making the wig with bleached hair so they won't take it.  Bummer.

The picture below is some of what Gina cut off.  I don't know why it isn't right side up but I don't feel like messing with it now:)

The New Do - from the front.

From the side

From the other side :)

I love it.  It is so easy to take care of and I can still get it in a little ponytail for working out!  A new me for 2011.

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