Wednesday, December 28, 2011

33 Weeks - A Milestone Achieved

I am now a little over 33 Weeks!  We have met the 32 Week Milestone and surpassed it with no problems!  We are truly blessed and thank everyone for the prayers sent our way.  Last week we had an appointment with our OB and she listened to Jack's heartbeat and measured my stomach.  We don't do much at these appointments right now.  Our next appointment with her is January 5th and I think I will be going to her every week after that until Jack gets here.  We also had our LAST appointment with the specialist at Children's Medical Center last week.  They measured Jack and everything looked really good.  Most of all, my cervix is holding up just as it should be and since I am past the 32nd week, I don't have to go back to them any longer.  I have to say I'm a little sad not to be going to the specialist though, he was the nicest man, Lee and I both were so impressed with his demeanor and that of his whole office staff.  The other reason I'm a little sad not to go back is they have the best technology and we won't be getting the bi weekly ultrasounds of Jack any longer.  A little selfish I know, but it was so fun to see him.  I may have one more with my OB but that is probably it. 

I have many a sleepless nights these days.  I am usually awake from midnight to 3 or 4 in the morning.  Sometimes I just come out to the couch and try to find something on TV to watch.  If I have indigestion I can usually get a little more comfortable on the couch.  I must say, indigestion is a terrible thing.  I will be so glad once Jack gets here and that side effect of pregnancy goes away.  There are some nights that I do sleep thru the night and I am SO grateful for that!  I had what is called 'round ligament pain' at the bottom right portion of my stomach but that has subsided.  It is quite painful though and very hard to get comfortable.  I should say, it is hard to get comfortable at all these days:)  My back hurts some but not all the time.  My wedding ring is off more than it is on right now.  My fingers tend to swell in the mornings so I don't sleep with my ring on.  My appetite isn't lacking either.  I love to eat! 

Lee and I have been to a Childbirth Class and Baby Care Class at the hospital.  The Childbirth class was ok.  I think it made me more anxious about labor and delivery than I was before attending.  One thing I did take away from it was to be prepared for a long day.  You don't just walk in and push and out comes baby:)  Although, that would be great!  The Baby Care class was great.  We learned alot about what to do once we bring Jack home and I think Lee and I are more nervous about that than anything else.  What do we do with this little person once we have him to ourselves?!  Thank goodness for Grandmothers right?  We also had our carseat installed correctly and were shown how to do this by technicians at the hospital.  We have met with a couple of pediatricians and decided on Dr. Newton with Centennial Pediatrics for Jack.  We really enjoyed meeting Dr. Newton and they are close to work and home so that made a difference for us. 

Jack's room is basically ready for him.  We have curtains up and we have the bedding (thank you Chris and Miriam).  Lee bought a rug and lamp and now we just need to hang some shelves.  Lee also painted some wooden letters that say 'JACK' and we will hang that in his room.  The picture at the top of the blog is what Lee painted.  We put the swing together last night.  Mom washed most of Jack's clothes and pajamas for me.  We need to wash his blankets and sheets.  Other than that, Lee and I just need to pack a bag for the hospital and we are ready to go. 

The holidays have been alot of fun this year!  We had a fabulous Family Christmas (with Lee's family) and they thru us a baby shower that was amazing!  Thank you Aunt Karen for the hard work you put into our shower - you did a fabulous job!!  We are so blessed! 

I think that is it for now. I will continue to update after our appointments and as needed.  I will return to work next week for a couple of days a week.  I am really excited about this as it will be nice to get out of the house some!  I will do this until Jack arrives.  My office isn't even a mile from the hospital where I will deliver so if something happens, I'm just down the street.  Thank you again for the prayers and positive thoughts sent our way!  They have worked wonders! 

Happy New Year - may 2012 be the best yet!

Picture of Jack from last week's ultrasound - plump cheeks:)

Jack's bedding.

Another picture of Jack's bedding.

Sweet gift from my husband! 

Friday, November 25, 2011

29 Weeks - Thanksgiving 2011

I will officially be 29 weeks tomorrow!  Less than 80 days to go and less than 60 until I am 'full term'.  Seems unreal!  We will see Dr. Zaretsky on Tuesday to, hopefully, here more good news on my cervix holding up.  I'm also seeing my regular OB every 2 weeks now that I have entered my 3rd trimester.  I feel like I'm at the Dr. alot these days.  But seeing as how I don't get out of the house much anymore, the Dr. visits are a nice 'outing' for me.  I have started to wake up during the night for several different reasons:  just uncomfortable, indigestion, bathroom breaks.  I usually stay up for a couple of hours and then end up falling back asleep.  I've started to get used to this pattern now and I agree with those that have told me 'this is a sample of what is to come once Jack gets here'.  Jack is moving all the time these days, which has been really fun to feel and now watch.  I can see my stomach move when he moves.  Lee can also feel him move really well now.  Lee likes talking to Jack, this makes me smile because there is just something special about watching your husband talk to his unborn child:) 
Since I am 'resting', we didn't get to travel to Georgia with the rest of the family to see my sister for Thanksgiving.  We did get to go to Lee's parents home in Willow Park though and had a great time!  The food was fabulous and the company was even better! 

I want to take a minute to give my THANKS this 2011: 
  • My Husband - thank you for taking on 'everything' since I have been put on 'rest'.  You have taken on the responsibility without complaint and I wouldn't be able to get thru this without you!  I tend to get a little depressed being home all day and night and not being able to leave very often.  Lee came home with 3 new OPI nail polish colors last Friday for my next mani/pedi visit.  He is always so good about little surprises that he knows will lift my spirits.  I love you Lee - my cup runneth over....
  • My Mother - thank you for your unwavering support.  You have put so much into Baby Jack and now you are helping Lee and I however you can and we appreciate it more than you know!  I am so happy that 2011 brought you to retirement! 
  • My Father - thank you for your good advice always.  Thank you for your help getting the last part of the baby bed put together:)  I am so excited for your retirement in just a few short weeks! 
  • My In-Laws - Barbara and Bill - thank you for the food, the hard work and being so flexible with your schedule to come and help with whatever we need!  We are so grateful for you both and appreciate each and every thing that you have done for us (and Baby Jack)!
  • Meredith - thank you for also stepping in to help when we have needed it!  You are so mature for your 23 years and I am so proud of everything you have achieved!  I'm so proud to be your sister!
  • Gretchen - thank you for the AWESOME care package with so many AWESOME goodies!  I miss you and love you!
  • Miriam - thank you for being a friend that I can count on at any time, any day!  I strive to care for others the way you do, you always put everyone else first.  Thank you for putting up with me everyday and thank you for stopping by to have lunch with me every now and then!  Thank you for already loving Baby Jack, for loving me and my husband!  I look forward to many more years of 'talking it out':)
  • Allison - thank you for always making me laugh when I need it most!  Our friendship goes back years and I smile each time I think of the memories made in college through our current state of 'big and pregnant'!  I know we have both said this but who would have thought 10 years ago we would be sharing our lives still and pregnant at the same time:)  Thank you for loading us up on clothes for Baby Jack!  We could never repay you for such a blessing!  Thank you for stopping by to have lunch with me and giving me company!  I'm looking forward to next week:) And I'm looking forward to Emma and Jack being great friends!
  • Amy - thank you for being such a positive influence.  I've always looked at you and Chris as 'the perfect match'.  You are great together and you are both great parents.  I will continue to learn from you and, of course, drink a glass of wine or two with you:)
  • Stephanie - thank you for the best stories and making me laugh out loud!  Thank you for listening and for the advice during lunch.  I strive to be a working mother that has it all together like you do!  I am in awe of you and how you do it all!
  • My doctors - I am so grateful that technology and research has come so far and will continue to get better.  We are lucky that Dr. Varadi (my OB) sent us to Dr. Zaretsky (specialist) to have my cervix checked out and because of this, he was able to catch the issue early and put a stitch in my cervix before things were so advanced that nothing could be done.  We know we are in great hands with both doctors!  
Lee and I want to again say thank you to those of you that have kept us in your prayers during this time!  They are working and we continue to ask for your prayers until Baby Jack gets here.  We are so blessed....

Below are some pictures from Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

27 Weeks - Another Good Checkup

We had our second post-surgery checkup today and got more GOOD news!!  Thank you to all of you who have been praying with us!  Dr. Zaretsky was really happy with how my cervix is holding up.  We have 5 more weeks until we are 'in the clear' but at least 10 more weeks until Baby Jack needs to join us.  They checked Jack's heartbeat, fluid levels and breathing at today's ultrasound and all looked/sounded really great.  In 2 weeks when I go back for my next appt. they will take growth measurements so we will have an idea of how long he is and how much he weighs. 

One of the better pictures from today's ultrasound.

27 Week belly shot 

and a belly shot with Lily! 

Some random pictures of Lee and I:)

Hostesses of my baby shower in Plano.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

25 Weeks and a Good Check Up

I had my post surgery checkup appt. today and it went really well.  Dr. Zaretsky said the stitch in my cervix is holding up even better than he expected it would.  Lee and I were so pleased to hear the good news!  I will continue to rest and take it easy until my 32nd week.  At that point Dr. Zaretsky says he will take his 'hold off of me and I can send him a postcard with Baby Jack's picture'.  I couldn't be in better hands, Dr. Zaretsky is one of the best doctors I've been around and I feel so lucky that my OB sent me in his direction!  I will continue to see Dr. Zaretsky every two weeks, so I'll update after my next appointment.  Thank you for all of your prayers, they are definitely working!

Below are some pictures of Jack taken today at the ultrasound:

He is waving in this picture.

We think he has Lee's lips and nose.

He was sucking on his arm in this picture.

Now he is hiding his face:)

He was posing in this picture - so precious.

Baby Jack.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bed Rest is for the Birds.....Rest is for Me!

Well, after my appointment with Dr. Zaretsky last week, it turns out I have an 'incompetent cervix'.  Basically it is thinning out too fast, too soon.  I was scheduled for a 'Cervical Cerclage' (a stitch in my cervix) yesterday morning at Plano Presbyterian Hospital.  Just a day surgery and Dr. Zaretsky performed it.  All went well and I was home by noon.  The second part of this is now I am on what they call Pelvic Rest.  It isn't bed rest, it is the next step up from bed rest.  I can't travel, grocery shop, clean, do laundry, cook (this really doesn't sound so bad:), basically I will be working from home for the next 2 months until I hit my 32nd week of pregnancy.  Dr. Zaretsky says once I hit that week, I am in the clear to do a little more and if the baby comes, then it is ok at that point.  We have been blessed with great family and friends who are helping us.  My Mom and Mother-in-law are taking turns coming over to help clean, grocery shop, etc.  I don't know what we would do without them!

Lee took a before and after shot of me in the hospital, I don't know why I am posting these as they aren't my best look, but here you go....


After - I was in a little bit of pain here....

We would like to ask for your prayers that Baby Jack stay in as long as possible.  I am in my 24th week right now so we need 8 more weeks for Jack to grow in my stomach before he thinks about entering the world.  I am taking it as easy as the doctor says but being pregnant with my first child, this is a little overwhelming and I believe in prayer.   

Our check up appointment with Dr. Zaretsky is Tuesday so I'll update after that.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

23 Weeks & 1 Anniversary

I am 23.5 weeks into my pregnancy now.  I can feel Baby Jack kick, move, stretch and swim all the time!  I love that feeling.  Lee is still not able to feel him that well but in the next couple of weeks he should be able to.  Everything is still going really great, I'm sleeping well for the most part - just turn from side to side throughout the night.  I have purchased more maternity clothes because mine are more and more snug.  Buying maternity clothes is not my favorite thing to do:)  We have purchased everything for the baby's room so far that we will need.  Actually, we just got a call today from BuyBuy Baby that our rocker is in!  We put the baby bed together (with Meredith's help) and we bought some storage shelves from Target.  I put pictures below.  The changing table/dresser came in before we left on our trip so we still need to put that together.  So now we just have a couple of things left to buy to finish out the room...lamp, rug, etc. 

23 Weeks

This is the baby bed, we don't have bedding yet so looks a little plain but it is put together.

This is supposed to be a side view.

This is the storage we bought for Jack's room.

Here is the latest picture of Baby Jack.  This was taken yesterday.  You can see his nose and mouth really well in this picture. 

Lee and I celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary with a trip to San Francisco and we had a blast!  I have posted some pictures below of our sightseeing.

Alcatraz - so bummed that it was sold out ALL weekend so we couldn't take the ferry over but we learned our lesson for next ahead:)

So much seafood and it was all delicious!

Saturday night we had reservations at a Allioto's Restaurant - one of the oldest around and this was part of our view. 

The next couple of pictures are all different animals made out of bread - so cool.

We visited Ghirardelli Square and had chocolate/strawberry infused shakes...umm, yes they were fabulous!!

Golden Gate Bridge in the background - kinda hard to see.

Sunday we went to Berkeley and visited some of Lee's friends, Zack and Kajsa and their little girl McLean.  She is the cutest red head ever!

Beau, Lee and McLean

This is the view from the balcony of their house.  I could sit out there all day!

Lee watched over McLean's bath and took notes since he will be doing that soon