Tuesday, November 15, 2011

27 Weeks - Another Good Checkup

We had our second post-surgery checkup today and got more GOOD news!!  Thank you to all of you who have been praying with us!  Dr. Zaretsky was really happy with how my cervix is holding up.  We have 5 more weeks until we are 'in the clear' but at least 10 more weeks until Baby Jack needs to join us.  They checked Jack's heartbeat, fluid levels and breathing at today's ultrasound and all looked/sounded really great.  In 2 weeks when I go back for my next appt. they will take growth measurements so we will have an idea of how long he is and how much he weighs. 

One of the better pictures from today's ultrasound.

27 Week belly shot 

and a belly shot with Lily! 

Some random pictures of Lee and I:)

Hostesses of my baby shower in Plano.

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