Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bed Rest is for the Birds.....Rest is for Me!

Well, after my appointment with Dr. Zaretsky last week, it turns out I have an 'incompetent cervix'.  Basically it is thinning out too fast, too soon.  I was scheduled for a 'Cervical Cerclage' (a stitch in my cervix) yesterday morning at Plano Presbyterian Hospital.  Just a day surgery and Dr. Zaretsky performed it.  All went well and I was home by noon.  The second part of this is now I am on what they call Pelvic Rest.  It isn't bed rest, it is the next step up from bed rest.  I can't travel, grocery shop, clean, do laundry, cook (this really doesn't sound so bad:), basically I will be working from home for the next 2 months until I hit my 32nd week of pregnancy.  Dr. Zaretsky says once I hit that week, I am in the clear to do a little more and if the baby comes, then it is ok at that point.  We have been blessed with great family and friends who are helping us.  My Mom and Mother-in-law are taking turns coming over to help clean, grocery shop, etc.  I don't know what we would do without them!

Lee took a before and after shot of me in the hospital, I don't know why I am posting these as they aren't my best look, but here you go....


After - I was in a little bit of pain here....

We would like to ask for your prayers that Baby Jack stay in as long as possible.  I am in my 24th week right now so we need 8 more weeks for Jack to grow in my stomach before he thinks about entering the world.  I am taking it as easy as the doctor says but being pregnant with my first child, this is a little overwhelming and I believe in prayer.   

Our check up appointment with Dr. Zaretsky is Tuesday so I'll update after that.

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