Friday, February 8, 2013

1 Year Well Checkup

Jack's 1 Year Well Checkup went really awesome, although he did have to get 4 shots!!  Ouch, and he cried more this time than any other time.  It just makes me so sad to hear him cry like that.  But he is quick to get past it, just needs some hugs and kisses:)  I took these pictures of Jack before the doctor came in.  He was trying to eat the paper....

12 month stats:  
Weight - 23lbs (74%)

Height - 32in (99%)

Head - 19in (95%)

Before Jack's appt, we went by to visit his daycare teacher from Merryhill Frisco.  Mrs. Inez loves Jack so much and took care of him from 8 weeks old until he was 10 months old.  Jack loves Mrs. Inez too and when he saw her he was ready to give her lots of cuddles!!  

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