Friday, February 8, 2013

Jack's Birthday Party

This is the only picture I got of Jack's cake before it was eaten:)

I'm not sure the pictures below are all in order but this was Jack's personal cake and let me tell you, he LOVED it!  Once he got thru the icing and to the cake part, he was shoving it in his mouth!  He gets that from his Mom, and no I don't shove cake in my mouth....but I do love it!! ;-)

I don't have pictures of Jack digging in to his cake but I do have video that I'll put up soon.  This is the after picture though.  It really doesn't even do justice.  I had to go give him a quick bath because he was so dirty with icing everywhere!

 Jack opened presents and one of the things he got was a big bag of these balls.  We put them in a plastic tub we have and Jack was a little hesitant but Emma Kate, she loved it!!

Emma had fun putting the balls on Jack's head:)

Emma is the cutest little girl, she had so much fun playing in the balls!  And she was pure entertainment for the party:)

After seeing Emma play in the balls, Jack felt a little bit better about it and got back in:)

1 Year Well Checkup

Jack's 1 Year Well Checkup went really awesome, although he did have to get 4 shots!!  Ouch, and he cried more this time than any other time.  It just makes me so sad to hear him cry like that.  But he is quick to get past it, just needs some hugs and kisses:)  I took these pictures of Jack before the doctor came in.  He was trying to eat the paper....

12 month stats:  
Weight - 23lbs (74%)

Height - 32in (99%)

Head - 19in (95%)

Before Jack's appt, we went by to visit his daycare teacher from Merryhill Frisco.  Mrs. Inez loves Jack so much and took care of him from 8 weeks old until he was 10 months old.  Jack loves Mrs. Inez too and when he saw her he was ready to give her lots of cuddles!!  

Bubble Bath

Jack had bubble's in his bath for the first time and he loved it!  He loves bath time and playing with all of his toys!

Pictures from Jack's Big Day

Jack's Birthday turned out to be such a FUN day for all of us.  We started off with homemade pancakes, which Jack loved:)

 Mommy and Daddy were off of work for Jack's big day, so after breakfast we loaded up and headed to the Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo!  Jack was in awe of the cows and horses.  He loved every minute and he was such a good boy!  Jack made it WAY past his nap time but on our way to the petting zoo, Jack fell asleep and he was out!  There were so many cute baby animals in the petting zoo but I couldn't make myself wake Jack up, he was sleeping so soundly:)  Next time....

This picture is when we were eating lunch.  I'm pretty sure Jack is asking for more food:)

Jack and Mom

Jack and Dad

I'm a little in denial and not really understanding how a year has gone by since Jack was born:)  I see the baby in him going away and the little boy emerging.  I love it and I am sad at the same time.  I know all Mom's understand this feeling, it's just that you don't really understand until it is your own child.  I hope we take advantage of every stage, every milestone, every minute of your life Jack.....because you will grow up one day and you will be independent one day......but you will always be 'my little monster'!  
I love you to the moon and back!