Thursday, September 1, 2011

16.5 Weeks - Better Late Than Never

I am late getting this week's update out and it is one of the most important too!  I think most everyone knows but just in case....IT'S A BOY!!  We found out on Friday that Baby G can now be referred to as Baby Jack.  We will name him William Jackson Gwaltney and he will go by Jack.  This has really set our excitement in motion!  To be able to look at boy clothes or anything boy for that matter, is so fun now.  The Dr. said everything looks good so far and I go back for another ultrasound on October 3rd.  I have not been as tired lately but I could use a nap after lunch...I get so sleepy then. 

I took another belly shot this week.  Not too much to see but here you go.  Sorry for how dark the picture turned out.

Gifts from Nana (my Mom).  The bib says 'Daddy's Little Caddy' - adorable!  The blue dog is a hooded towel (with tail) and then there is a small handheld, really soft dog for the baby.  She also found her Childhood Medical Guide that she used with me so now I can use it for Jack.  Thanks Mom!

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