Monday, September 26, 2011

20 Weeks = Half Way There

Well, here is to week 20 and still a rather smooth pregnancy!  One new thing I have noticed is that the right side of my rib cage (the top of it) will hurt at times.  It goes away after a while but I almost feel like I've been kicked there.  Anyway, after talking to a few 'moms', I think Baby Jack may have an elbow or leg up there that is bothering me.  This usually happens around lunch and then at night when I'm going to bed.  My pregnancy dreams are still in high gear - sometimes I wonder how I even come up with these dreams! 

Lee and I have Baby Jack's room all cleared out and ready to clean.  I'm going to do that this weekend so that we can put the crib together.  We purchased the rocker/recliner yesterday and I can't wait to get that in December!  It is going to be so nice I think.  I still need to order the changing table/dresser combo and then we will be done with furniture.  Things are really getting exciting for us:)  Lee sees my belly getting bigger and I think that gets him even more excited and makes it a little more 'real' to him.  We still haven't felt Jack kick or punch yet but hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will.  I put a picture below and this is actually from last week but I haven't grown much since then:)  I will have my next ultrasound on Monday, October 3rd and I'm so excited to see Jack again.  It has been a month or longer since we saw him last.  I will update again next week!  Thanks for all of the kind wishes and prayers for our soon to be family of 3!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

18.5 Weeks - Getting Behind

I missed my 17 Week update and I'm behind on getting this one out.  I'm going to try and get back on the 'blog train' now.  I took another belly shot - it is a little weird watching your stomach grow and grow and grow:) 

We ordered the crib and it arrived a couple of weeks ago.  The mattress should be in this week.  We have torn our second bedroom apart and we are trying to organize as best we can.  We are getting rid of some stuff and trying to put other things in storage.  We just need more room:)  We went and registered last weekend and what a process that is!  I got some really great advice from friends that helped but it is still really overwhelming!  Lee and I did pretty good though and by the end of it, we were both ready to get out of that store!  I have been sleeping better on my side but last night I had a bad night overall.  Just couldn't get comfortable and finally ended up on the couch around 2:30am.  Hopefully that isn't something I experience often.  I have also had indigestion lately.  I've never had this before and it is such a terrible feeling, I'm so glad it is just a side effect of being pregnant and will go away after!  I had my monthly Dr. appt. on Monday and everything is going great.  Dr. Varadi said I might be a couple of pounds over what I should have gained so far but to try and keep it at 1lb a week from now on.  UGH, is what I say to that!! 

Below is a gift from Mimi and PaPa (Lee's parents).  I just love the clothes and blankets we have gotten, it makes me so excited to dress Jack once he is here!  Lily (our dog) loves all of the new clothes, blankets, etc. because she thinks they are new toys for her...that is just a different story all together:)

The receptionist at Barbara's office made this for is just precious!

And guess who wanted in on a got it, Ms. Lily herself!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

16.5 Weeks - Better Late Than Never

I am late getting this week's update out and it is one of the most important too!  I think most everyone knows but just in case....IT'S A BOY!!  We found out on Friday that Baby G can now be referred to as Baby Jack.  We will name him William Jackson Gwaltney and he will go by Jack.  This has really set our excitement in motion!  To be able to look at boy clothes or anything boy for that matter, is so fun now.  The Dr. said everything looks good so far and I go back for another ultrasound on October 3rd.  I have not been as tired lately but I could use a nap after lunch...I get so sleepy then. 

I took another belly shot this week.  Not too much to see but here you go.  Sorry for how dark the picture turned out.

Gifts from Nana (my Mom).  The bib says 'Daddy's Little Caddy' - adorable!  The blue dog is a hooded towel (with tail) and then there is a small handheld, really soft dog for the baby.  She also found her Childhood Medical Guide that she used with me so now I can use it for Jack.  Thanks Mom!