Sunday, July 10, 2011


Lee and I are excited to share our BIG NEWS....we are expecting!!  We are due in February and had our first DR appt. on June 28th.  We got to hear the heartbeat, which really made the whole thing 'real' to us.  What an awesome feeling!  I go back on the 15th of this month for a more detailed exam and I'll update the blog with that info after the appt. 

I am around 9 weeks at this point. 

Symptoms so far:
  • Sore boobs (maybe TMI but most of you know that comes with being pregnant)
  • Extemely tired (I go to bed at 8:30pm some days)
  • My prenatal vitamins are starting to make me feel sick, so I have switched to taking them at night rather than first thing in the morning.
  • I feel the difference in my blood sugar if I don't eat within a certain period of time.
No pics yet, nothing really to see.  Some books say the baby is now the size of a grape or a green olive:)  I think most pictures would just show my stomach bloated! 

Below are our first sonogram pictures.  They are upside down, but there really isn't much to see.  Until next week....

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