Monday, July 25, 2011

11 Weeks

11 Weeks indeed!  Some people say they think I'm showing a tad bit but I have to admit....I think it is usually gas:)  Nothing to show quite yet, maybe after the first trimester is over I'll put a 'belly' pic up.  I need to thank my Mom for the awesome clothes she has purchased for me and my mother-in-law, Barbara, for the awesome nursing bras!  Both of them celebrated birthdays within the last week and they are buying me gifts!  I am so very blessed.  The tired comes and goes.  I have days where I feel like I have all of my energy and then there are days I feel tired ALL day.  The books say that should end soon.  One thing that Lee and I have started (thanks Stephanie) and has become a morning ritual:  we bought a book called 'The Pregnancy Journal' and it is a daily guide to what is going on with Baby and Mom.  I read this to Lee while he is in the shower, funny I know but it keeps us both 'in the know' and he enjoys it.  So with that said, all is well with Baby G.

  • Still tired.
  • Feeling bloated, especially after I eat.
  • Wierd dreams....not sure if this is from pregnancy but I'm guessing it's possible.
  • Feeling anxious about everything to Baby G's health, daycare, money, all the normal stuff I guess.
I'm off to Denver next week for work.  I'll still post though, I'll be on to my second trimester! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom and Dad took a vacation to Seattle and Mom got to spend her birthday there.  She sent me some pictures so I have posted them below.  The Rangers were in town playing the Mariners so they went to 2 games and had great seats!  This was a well deserved vacation for both!

10 Weeks

I am now 10 Weeks along.  Time seems to be going by fast.  I had a Dr. Appt. on Friday and all went well.  Dr. Varadi did a regular exam and went over my blood work from the first appt.  My blood work came back fine, my iron levels are a little low but nothing to worry about at this point.  My next appt. is August 15th.  We also went over insurance at the appt. on Friday so Lee and I have an idea of what our moneypitt, I mean Baby G, will cost us:)  I am still not having cravings for anything specific right now.  But ALL food is good;-)

  • Everything from last week
  • Constipation - Dr. Varadi said to start taking Metamucil - I'll be buying some soon:)

Aunt Meredith came over yesterday to watch the US Women's World Cup Final and brought Baby G's first present!  I love the monkey and the 'Hello, Texas!' book! They already reside in Baby G's room.

While trying to get a picture of the monkey and book, Lily was causing a commotion wanting her picture taken!  Spoiled!

Lee and I celebrated our 9 month anniversary on Saturday, cheers to us!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Lee and I are excited to share our BIG NEWS....we are expecting!!  We are due in February and had our first DR appt. on June 28th.  We got to hear the heartbeat, which really made the whole thing 'real' to us.  What an awesome feeling!  I go back on the 15th of this month for a more detailed exam and I'll update the blog with that info after the appt. 

I am around 9 weeks at this point. 

Symptoms so far:
  • Sore boobs (maybe TMI but most of you know that comes with being pregnant)
  • Extemely tired (I go to bed at 8:30pm some days)
  • My prenatal vitamins are starting to make me feel sick, so I have switched to taking them at night rather than first thing in the morning.
  • I feel the difference in my blood sugar if I don't eat within a certain period of time.
No pics yet, nothing really to see.  Some books say the baby is now the size of a grape or a green olive:)  I think most pictures would just show my stomach bloated! 

Below are our first sonogram pictures.  They are upside down, but there really isn't much to see.  Until next week....

The Girls New 'Do's'

Blanche and Lily were groomed on Saturday and we decided to just shave them entirely!!  They were shedding so much and it has been SO EXTREMLEY HOT outside that a shaved 'do' should feel better:)

Here they are:
You can't tell in this picture but Blanche's tail is still really bushy so she looks just like a fox!  Hilarious!

Ms. Lily, she just looks so tiny with no hair!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lily's Birthday Treat

This picture makes me laugh but this is what Lily does with her toys, specifically tennis balls, she hoards them!!

Here is Lily before I gave her birthday treat to her.  The picture is a little dark but if you look close, she is licking her lips!!

 She was going nuts trying to get her treat, finally Dad gave her birthday treat to her.

And then she runs off, gets under the bed with it and this is the picture I got!  She is a selfish little thing!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to the Bug!!!

You are 2 years old today and sometimes dad and I refer to you as an 'old soul'.  You are the best friend we needed!  We love you Lily!