Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Addition to Our Family

Meet Blanche (as in the Golden Girls Blanche)!

She is the new addition to our family and we love her!!  She is a 10 week old Sheltie and she has a great personality.  Lee's Aunt Karen couldn't keep her so we decided to take her.  It is a win/win situation because this way she stays in the family and Aunt Karen can see her whenever she wants:)  We picked her up on Christmas Day.  Lily was a little skeptical at first (as was Blanche) but we have all fallen in love with her!  She and Lily play so much that they wear themselves out!   

This is the first day we got her.

Meeting Lily for the first time.

I love the next 3 pictures!

They had so many toys to play with but their favorite was an old sock!

They love to sleep too, this was after we got back from Christmas (at our apartment).

And this was a couple of mornings ago, Blanche likes to cuddle up to the Bug.

Christmas 2010

This year we spent Christmas with my family in Tyler.  We had a great time and loved spending time with them!  I think everyone had a great Christmas and got everything they wanted! 

Mom's beautiful tree.

Mom put out all of her houses this year and she got a new train to set up too.  Lily really like this train, she just couldn't get to it to tear it apart:) 

Here is the Bug wandering around this new house, scouting the places that food falls!

Christmas morning, Mer is ready to open gifts.

Moms nice wreath that hangs above the fireplace.

Mom is opening her gifts.

The spice rack that Lee and I got Mer.

Just a smile from me.

Lee has his new beanie on and the Bug enjoys just about anything.

Mom likes her new wooden utensils that we got her (OXO, they are fabulous!).

Here is Lee with all of his good stuff!

Mom got Mer and I some baking dishes from Rachel Ray.  They are really nice!

Mom and Dad also blew up and framed a picture of Lee and I from the wedding.  It is so nice!

Dad's Columbia sweatshirt that we got him.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas!! 

Welcome Home

We are finally all moved in to our new apartment!  We LOVE it!  We used a company called 'Men of God Moving' and I highly recommend them!  This is the second time we have used them and they are nothing less than professional and courteous!  We moved from the 3rd floor to the 3rd floor and only two candle holders had little pieces that broke off and I've already fixed them.  None of our dishes broke, not a wine glass, nothing!!  And now that we are married, we have alot of dishes!!  Anyway, if you ever want to stop by, our new address is:

1220 Indian Run Drive
Apt. 1334
Carrollton, TX  75010 

Date Night....Letters C & D

I have slacked in updating the Blog about our Date Night adventures!  The Letter 'C' date night fell the Wednesday before Thanksgiving so we decided to push it back since we were going to be eating a BIG meal the next day.  I think we actually pushed it back a couple of times but, finally, we had our date night at......wait for it (as Allison would say)........

We said we would try to stay away from chain restaurants or places we've already eaten.  Get this, in almost 4 years of dating that was the first time Lee and I have eaten at Chili's together!!  So, anyway that was our Letter C (and I'm not listing location info, obviously they are everywhere:).

Now to Letter 'D', I chose Dodie's Seafood Cafe.  There are not a ton of restaurants to choose from that start with the Letter D but I got lucky because this place wasn't that far from our apartment and it was really good!  Lee had grilled shrimp and french fries.  I had fish tacos and red beans & rice.  We had fried pickles as an appetizer (yes, we need to go to the GYM!!).  Anyway, it was all great but the cup of red beans & rice stuck out the most, it was the best dish we had!  So, if your interested in trying this out, the info is below.

Dodie's Seafood Cafe
2626 N. Josey Lane, Suite 112
Carrollton, TX  75007

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad

I hope you have a great day!  I love you!

Boxes, Packing, Moving

It seems like we have been packing for weeks!  A little at a time and last weekend we got almost all of it done.  We are moving on Monday so we still have this coming weekend to finish up.  Lily has been a big help when it comes to packing boxes, she oversees everything:)  If you are reading this and haven't received our new address, message me and I will give it to you. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Law of the Garbage Truck

Below is a story I heard recently and I think I will try to abide by this law more often (being the taxi driver, of course).

[ Original story, by David J. Pollay ]

Sixteen years ago I learned an important life lesson, in the back of a New York City taxi cab.

I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station.  We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.

My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded,
and missed the other car by mere inches! The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and started yelling bad words at us.  My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy.  And I mean, he was actually friendly!

So, I asked him, "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and could've sent us to the hospital!"

And this is when my taxi driver told me about what I now call, "The Law of Garbage Trucks."

"Many people are like Garbage Trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it, and if you let them, they'll dump it on you.  When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personally. Instead, just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You'll be happier because you did."

Wow.  That really got me thinking about how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? AND, how often do I then take their garbage and spread it onto other people: at work, at home, on the streets?  It was that day I resolved, "I'm not going to do it anymore."

Since then, I have started to see Garbage Trucks everywhere.  Just as the kid in the Sixth Sense movie said, "I see dead people," I can now say, "I see Garbage Trucks." :)

I see the load they're carrying ... I see them coming to drop it off.  And like my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cirque Dreams Illumination

Saturday night Lee and I went to see Cirque Dreams Illumination at Bass Hall in Ft. Worth.  It was AWESOME!  Honostly, how do they bend their bodies like that?!  We had great seats and the show was beyond what we were expecting.  We have been to a couple of other Cirque shows when they come to the metroplex.  The next one is in January at the Dr. Pepper Center in Frisco.  Can't wait!