Monday, July 18, 2011

10 Weeks

I am now 10 Weeks along.  Time seems to be going by fast.  I had a Dr. Appt. on Friday and all went well.  Dr. Varadi did a regular exam and went over my blood work from the first appt.  My blood work came back fine, my iron levels are a little low but nothing to worry about at this point.  My next appt. is August 15th.  We also went over insurance at the appt. on Friday so Lee and I have an idea of what our moneypitt, I mean Baby G, will cost us:)  I am still not having cravings for anything specific right now.  But ALL food is good;-)

  • Everything from last week
  • Constipation - Dr. Varadi said to start taking Metamucil - I'll be buying some soon:)

Aunt Meredith came over yesterday to watch the US Women's World Cup Final and brought Baby G's first present!  I love the monkey and the 'Hello, Texas!' book! They already reside in Baby G's room.

While trying to get a picture of the monkey and book, Lily was causing a commotion wanting her picture taken!  Spoiled!

Lee and I celebrated our 9 month anniversary on Saturday, cheers to us!

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