Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Addition to Our Family

Meet Blanche (as in the Golden Girls Blanche)!

She is the new addition to our family and we love her!!  She is a 10 week old Sheltie and she has a great personality.  Lee's Aunt Karen couldn't keep her so we decided to take her.  It is a win/win situation because this way she stays in the family and Aunt Karen can see her whenever she wants:)  We picked her up on Christmas Day.  Lily was a little skeptical at first (as was Blanche) but we have all fallen in love with her!  She and Lily play so much that they wear themselves out!   

This is the first day we got her.

Meeting Lily for the first time.

I love the next 3 pictures!

They had so many toys to play with but their favorite was an old sock!

They love to sleep too, this was after we got back from Christmas (at our apartment).

And this was a couple of mornings ago, Blanche likes to cuddle up to the Bug.

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