Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Lee's family!  Of course the food was delicious!  We came home and started a fire in the fireplace and enjoyed all of the COLD weather!  I didn't get any good pictures from Thanksgiving Day but we also have a tradition of helping Lee's Mom unload her 'Christmas Closet' and then load it back with regular home decor that gets put away during Christmas.  I got some pictures of our line that we form to do this every year:)

This is the closet with all of the Santas:)

Here is Scooter not knowing where to start:)

Aunt Karen is midway on the stairs, so Scooter would hand stuff to me, I would hand off to Aunt Karen...

And then she would hand off to Lee:)

I mean the HAPPY Lee, haha!

While we were doing this inside, the dogs were having a blast outside!  I got some good pics of them playing.  They look like 'tiny' lions here, lol.

Bill is giving them a treat and Lily is already licking her lips in this picture.

Our Bug!

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