Thursday, April 4, 2013

Jack's Conversation with Lily

Jack loves Lily more and more every day!  He talks to her and he loves throwing the ball for her!

No More Strawberry Ice Cream

Jack was quite upset that Lee ran out of strawberry ice cream to feed him!

Practicing Standing

One morning Jack woke up with 'static hair'!

Carrot Cake....from scratch



Jack's favorite game!!

Recent Pictures

Asleep in our bed...he was so spread out!

Jack and Mimi at his first baseball game.

Nice face!

Sea Life Aquarium - Grapevine

We took Jack to the Sea Life Aquarium on a Friday afternoon (several weeks ago) and we basically had the place to ourselves.  It was so much fun watching Jack's face light up when the fish would swim so close to his face!  

Big Update

Here are some recent pictures of Jack!  Sorry it has been so long since I have posted.

Here is Jack....stuck...under his toy.
 ....and here is Jack getting 'un-stuck'.
 :) I took this when he was going to bed, he gave me the 'foot'!
 Nana and I took Jack to the park on a nice afternoon.  He loves to swing!
 This is one morning before taking Jack to daycare, he looked so handsome!
 Jack looks like such a 'big boy' in this picture.  I keep seeing the baby in him going away and a 'little boy' appearing.  Bittersweet...
 Here is Jack with his Name Puzzle that he got from Aunt Gretchen.
 I love this picture of Jack standing up.  He looks like such a little man.
 This is how Jack is sleeping lately.  Funny.
 Jack had a 24 hour stomach bug and was sleeping it off in this picture.  He looks so pathetic.

Nice hair..

He is loving Lily's dog food and water bowl these days.  We have to put 2 kitchen chairs in front to block Jack from eating her food and 'literally' playing in her water bowl.  

Jack's first taste of whole milk:)