Monday, January 21, 2013

Not One, But Two Ear Infections

Jack has had a nasty cough, along with a runny nose, chapped cheeks and an overall great attitude:)  He is such a trooper.  His cough just didn't seem to be getting better and I gave in and called the pediatrician's office on Friday.  The nurse told me to bring him in and get his lungs checked for fluid.  Turns out his lungs sounded great.....but both ears had fluid in them!  Argh!  I just took him to get his ears checked out on December 28th because he was fighting a cold then.  But his ears looked great.  I just never really know with him.  He is always such a happy baby that most of the time you don't even know he doesn't feel good.

I took these pictures of Jack and Lee on Friday.  They don't need words for how cute they are:) 

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