Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bed Rest is for the Birds.....Rest is for Me!

Well, after my appointment with Dr. Zaretsky last week, it turns out I have an 'incompetent cervix'.  Basically it is thinning out too fast, too soon.  I was scheduled for a 'Cervical Cerclage' (a stitch in my cervix) yesterday morning at Plano Presbyterian Hospital.  Just a day surgery and Dr. Zaretsky performed it.  All went well and I was home by noon.  The second part of this is now I am on what they call Pelvic Rest.  It isn't bed rest, it is the next step up from bed rest.  I can't travel, grocery shop, clean, do laundry, cook (this really doesn't sound so bad:), basically I will be working from home for the next 2 months until I hit my 32nd week of pregnancy.  Dr. Zaretsky says once I hit that week, I am in the clear to do a little more and if the baby comes, then it is ok at that point.  We have been blessed with great family and friends who are helping us.  My Mom and Mother-in-law are taking turns coming over to help clean, grocery shop, etc.  I don't know what we would do without them!

Lee took a before and after shot of me in the hospital, I don't know why I am posting these as they aren't my best look, but here you go....


After - I was in a little bit of pain here....

We would like to ask for your prayers that Baby Jack stay in as long as possible.  I am in my 24th week right now so we need 8 more weeks for Jack to grow in my stomach before he thinks about entering the world.  I am taking it as easy as the doctor says but being pregnant with my first child, this is a little overwhelming and I believe in prayer.   

Our check up appointment with Dr. Zaretsky is Tuesday so I'll update after that.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

23 Weeks & 1 Anniversary

I am 23.5 weeks into my pregnancy now.  I can feel Baby Jack kick, move, stretch and swim all the time!  I love that feeling.  Lee is still not able to feel him that well but in the next couple of weeks he should be able to.  Everything is still going really great, I'm sleeping well for the most part - just turn from side to side throughout the night.  I have purchased more maternity clothes because mine are more and more snug.  Buying maternity clothes is not my favorite thing to do:)  We have purchased everything for the baby's room so far that we will need.  Actually, we just got a call today from BuyBuy Baby that our rocker is in!  We put the baby bed together (with Meredith's help) and we bought some storage shelves from Target.  I put pictures below.  The changing table/dresser came in before we left on our trip so we still need to put that together.  So now we just have a couple of things left to buy to finish out the room...lamp, rug, etc. 

23 Weeks

This is the baby bed, we don't have bedding yet so looks a little plain but it is put together.

This is supposed to be a side view.

This is the storage we bought for Jack's room.

Here is the latest picture of Baby Jack.  This was taken yesterday.  You can see his nose and mouth really well in this picture. 

Lee and I celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary with a trip to San Francisco and we had a blast!  I have posted some pictures below of our sightseeing.

Alcatraz - so bummed that it was sold out ALL weekend so we couldn't take the ferry over but we learned our lesson for next ahead:)

So much seafood and it was all delicious!

Saturday night we had reservations at a Allioto's Restaurant - one of the oldest around and this was part of our view. 

The next couple of pictures are all different animals made out of bread - so cool.

We visited Ghirardelli Square and had chocolate/strawberry infused shakes...umm, yes they were fabulous!!

Golden Gate Bridge in the background - kinda hard to see.

Sunday we went to Berkeley and visited some of Lee's friends, Zack and Kajsa and their little girl McLean.  She is the cutest red head ever!

Beau, Lee and McLean

This is the view from the balcony of their house.  I could sit out there all day!

Lee watched over McLean's bath and took notes since he will be doing that soon