It has been a little over a month since I posted my last entry and I'm not really sure where that month went?!
I could try to think of all the things that have happened in the last month but that would take too long!
So, I'll start from here: Lee and I are about to celebrate our 4 month anniversary! Hard to believe it has been that long but I love him more today than I did when we got married. Being married is hard, it is a struggle to stay on the same page with each other and maintain mood balances. It is a struggle to maintain a budget and make sure the days run as smoothly as possible. Lee is great when things are great and he is even better when things are worse. He keeps things together during the storm and for that, I am forever grateful! So, cheers to month 4 of marriage and beating the struggles hand in hand!

Thank you for all of the prayers, flowers, support that you gave my family during my Grandmother's death. My Dad is doing well, as we all are now. We miss her though. I just was scrolling thru my phone the other day and saw her name there......I just wanted to call and say hi. My parents were at Grandma Bea's house this past weekend and my Mom said she found a stack of papers that Grandma Bea had saved. It was our Save the Date, Wedding Invitation and a couple of other things. That hit me a little hard too......
On a more upbeat note, I think most of you know that we welcomed a new dog to our family in December. Blanche is doing great and growing like a weed! Aunt Karen was in town this past weekend so we took the dogs out to Lee's parents house and they ran around like crazy! They loved it! Blanche has been to the vet again since her worm issue and she had the rest of her deworming treatment, plus a couple of more vaccinations. She did awesome and now we should be done at the vet until she is old enough to be fixed. She and Lily get along so well, they are like sisters and never leave each other alone until they are ready to kill each other.
I put a calendar to the right side of my is the countdown until my Mom retires!! This is a big deal, we are all ready for Mom to be able to retire and take it easy!! She deserves it and I can't wait until the day is here! So, countdown the days with us until Becky gets to hand in her 2 week notice........