Thursday, February 23, 2012

William Jackson Gwaltney - Est. 01/23/2012

Finally....right?!  I have now been a Mom for a month and I still feel like the fog hasn't lifted much.  There is so much to learn and so little sleep to get when it comes to being a Mom.  I wouldn't change a thing...I'd just like an extra hour of sleep every now and then.  So I have a lot to write to get everyone caught up on what has happened at the Gwaltney Household in the last month.

January 22, 2012
Regular day - Lee and I went to Cracker Barrel for brunch (I had pancakes) and then we headed over to Bass Pro Shop to look at guns.  Yes, guns.  Lee is interested in getting a gun when we buy a house.  To be prepared if we have to be.  Anyway, we went home after that and Lee had pitching lessons that afternoon and then a basketball game at 9pm that night.  I was in bed when he called after his game, it was around 10pm.  We got off the phone and I 'rolled' over and felt a bubble.  The next thing I know, I am feeling water and I get out of bed and there is more water.  I'm in shock.  I really didn't think I'd have my water break that early (if at all).  Lee got home a couple of minutes later and I called him in to the bathroom and explained what happened.  He was in just as much shock as I was.  I think his first words were 'I need to take a shower', lol.  I called my doctor and spoke to the OB on call.  He said to go ahead and start for the hospital.  We packed our bag and Lee took a shower, then we said good bye to our current life and left to start our new journey.  We got to Baylor Frisco around 11:30pm and by this time I am having contractions.  We check in and get into our Labor & Delivery room.  Our nurse was awesome.  We get hooked up to the heartbeat and contraction monitors and we wait.

January 23, 2012
Still hanging out, listening to Jack's heartbeat and trying to breathe through my contractions.  Lee's parents and brother are at the hospital at this point.  So is my sister, Meredith.  Once my OB got there, she examined me and said she thought Jack felt like he was breech. They did a sonogram to confirm and at that point it was decided I would have a C-Section.  I think it was about 2am.  At 2:54am Jack joined us:  at 7lbs 5oz and 19.5in., he was beautiful! 

January 26, 2012
We brought Jack home on Thursday.  I was so emotional about going home with him, yet I felt a certain peace about it.  I can't even explain the emotions you go through after giving birth, I was a crying machine.  I'm better now:)  Jack sleeps in a bassinet in our room. 

February 1, 2012
Mom helped me the first week I was home with Jack.  We took him to the pediatricians office on Wednesday to get him weighed.  They are supposed to be back up to their birth weight by the time they are 2 weeks old.  I wanted to gauge how I was doing nursing him.  He weighed 7.5lbs at birth and 6.14lbs when we left the hospital.  I wanted him to at least weigh 7lbs, he weighed in at 6.13lbs.  I felt defeated but we continued on until our 2 week  appt.

February 5, 2012
Jack had newborn pictures taken today.  He wasn't thrilled about this but the pictures turned out amazing!  Jill Ann did such a great job!

February 8, 2012
Jack's 2 week appointment went fabulous.  He weighed in at 7.6lbs!  We were so happy we could have thrown a party!  He measured 20.8inches long. 

February 14, 2012
My Mom was in town today so I was able to leave for the first time.  I felt like I had escaped something:)  I went to get Lee a couple of things for Valentine's Day.  It was nice to be out and about again.  I'll be so happy when Jack is big enough to be out and about with me. 

February 15, 2012
Lee and I had our first date night since Jack was born.  We went to a sushi place and it was great!  We had such a fun night out!

February 22, 2012
Jack's 1 month appointment was today.  He is growing just as he should and got an A+ from the doctor.  He now weighs 8.6lbs and measures 21.5inches.  He had to get one vaccination and he was not happy about this.  It made me so sad for him:) 

These are the milestones so far.  I have a little over a week before I have to start back at work.  We will put Jack in a daycare that is right by my work (I could walk to it).  But we will wait until Jack is 8 weeks old, my Mom and Mother-in-law will watch him for a week each once I go back to work.  We are so blessed that Jack is healthy and progressing so well!  Thank you all for the well wishes!

Kristen, Lee & Jack